Debra Disman

Springing initially from the form of the book, my work traverses textiles, sculpture, installation and performance to push the familiar into forms that arrest, baffle and bewilder, while offering moments of rest, solace and contemplation. I employ the materiality of fiber to engage the senses and invite altered ways of experiencing the world, both soothing and confounding the eye with uneven visual repetition. Through this means of stabilizing and destabilizing, I hope to encourage an examination of what we think we know and are. Devoted to material labor and the inherent substance, physicality and tactility of the handmade, I love nothing more than to be immersed in material manipulation, which inevitably yields some kind of distilled meaning. I am compelled to bundle, braid, bunch, tangle, twine, twist, tie, layer, loop, wrap, wind, stitch, sew, knot and glue, as well as paint, draw and write, intuitively developing, complicating and disrupting the surface to add levels of meaning.

Click on tiles below to see the full image and a slide show.

The artist’s decriptions below are arranged in the order of the images above.

“La Foret” functions as a single artwork comprised of three units, each of which can be presented as stand-alone artwork. Made of hundreds of pieces of cord and canvas strips glued to canvas surfaces painted in acrylic on the reverse, it hangs at a slight remove from the wall in variable dimensions.


 “La Foret I” is part of a series that functions as a stand-alone artwork, as well as part of a triptych. It made of hundreds of pieces of cord, as well as coiled canvas, glued to a untreated canvas surface which is painted in acrylic washes on the reverse, and hangs at a slight remove from the wall.

“La Foret II” is part of a series that functions as a stand-alone artwork, as well as part of a triptych. It made of hundreds of pieces of cord, as well as coiled canvas, glued to a untreated canvas surface which is painted in acrylic washes on the reverse. It hangs at a slight remove from the wall.

“La Foret III” is part of a series that functions as a stand-alone artwork as well as part of a triptych. It made of hundreds of pieces of cord, as well as coiled canvas, glued to a untreated canvas surface which is painted in acrylic washes on the reverse. It hangs at a slight remove from the wall.

K no W Safe Place
is composed of
canvas, netting,
hemp & nylon &
cotton cord, lace,
ribbon, acrylic paint
and wood; made to
encourage entry. It
was created to
excavate, respond
to and explore the
growing sense of
there being no safe
place to be in our
world, while

K no W Safe Place is composed of canvas, netting, hemp & nylon & cotton cord, lace, ribbon, acrylic paint and wood; made to encourage entry. It was created to excavate, respond to and explore the growing sense of there being no safe place to be in our world, while simultaneously providing sanctuary.